Tanky and agressive Ash

by Reyza560
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Fortress Breaker
Siege Shield moves 80% slower, has 3000 more Health, and is 50% larger.
Siege Shield
Heavy Metal
Increase your base maximum Health by 150-750.
Increase your ammo count by 1-5
War Machine
Eliminations reduce all cooldowns by 10-50%
Increase the knockback distance of Kinetic Burst by 8-40%
Kinetic Burst
Furious Charge
Increase the knockback distance of Shoulder Bash by 8-40%
Shoulder Bash


Fortress Breaker: The talent is useful if your going as a tank or a agressive tank (off tank) because of the health and the space that the shield give you. As a tank, is quiet easy to block all the damage. As a agressive tank: While your going to battle someone face to face, stay behind the shield and shoot it down.

Heavy metal: Ash is one of all tanks that as some much health. Giving it more health, makes you an impossible beast to stop.

Fervor: As a tank or off tank, you need to have more damage in the battle no matter what. This may give you some adventage to keep preasure on the enemy team.

War machine: The more you kill, the more your get your abilities back. Especially consedering that you have a BIG shield to protect yourself

Persecussion: You need to keep away the enemy team out of yourself and the point. This will come in handy.

Furios charge: Shoulder bash has a great range to knock the enemy. If they are in point, use it no matter what. (unless they have a grohk)


Cauterize or wrecker (or both)
Moral boost
Rejuvenate, kill to heal or life steal.
Haven or blast shield

I hope this deck is useful for you, like is useful for me. VVGL :D