Point Tank Barik

by Drunken Dwarf
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Modify your Blunderbuss to fire a single slug that deals 560 damage.
Healing Station
Heal for 45-225 every 1s while standing near your Turret.
Brave and Bold
Increase your maximum Health by 150-750.
Bowling Ball
Gain a 300-1500-Health Shield after activating Rocket Boots that persists for 3s after Rocket Boots ends.
Rocket Boots
Reset the Cooldown of Rocket Boots after falling to or below 10-50% Health.
One Man's Treasure
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 10-50% after getting an Elimination.


The idea here is keep yourself alive as long as possible. While a tank's best mate is a healer, sometimes your first-aid focused friend is not all that adept at keeping you alive.

To begin a fight, I recommend dropping a turret out of the line-of-sight of the enemy, but close enough to you to get the healing benefits. I personally like to come charging in with Rocket Boots, giving me that 1200 hp shield at the start of any scrap, while Failsafe ensures I can use it again to escape. Once your shield is destroyed or wears off from Rocket Boots, drop that barricade! This is usually an opportune time to drop another turret down to potentially up your healing to 500/s when in range of your turrets (you may have up to two turrets). By now, your enemy should be toast (too many people underestimate the power of Tinkerin), but if you find yourself in a sticky situation, Rocket Boot on out of there and look for your healer!

Good luck, and remember, "Last one standing wins!"