Never Miss A Shot: Extra Tips

by AncientHawaii
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Reversal now always fires back and deals a minimum of 800 damage.
Power of the Abyss
Hitting a target with Reversal reduces the Cooldown of Nether Step by 20-100%
Abyss Walker
Nether Step heals you for 40-200 Health.
Nether Step
Sleight of Hand
Using Nether Step generates 1-5 Ammo.
Nether Step
Seething Hatred
Hitting an enemy reduces the cooldown of Reversal by 0.5-2.5s.
Through the Warp
Increase the distance of each Nether Step dash by 10-50%
Nether Step


This is the safer alternative.

Always bring up reversal early instead of when you are low. Bringing it up early makes it more frustrating for your opponents because normally you can not move for a split second after using reversal which would allow them to kill you. Doing it early allows you to stay alive longer and focus your opponents attention on you instead pf your teammates. You may not get the kills, but you will save time for your team.

Both loadouts require two things: map knowledge and awareness.

You need to know good positions to hold so you can dive in and still have a place to escape to.

Awareness will help you decide which positions to hold and when to dive.

To improve aim and survivability during the dive, I recommend using your dashes to gain altitude rather than horizontal distance. This way your opponents have a harder time tracking you and your flick shots are more consistent.

Dive = Getting into the back or sidelines of the enemy for an attack.

Flick shots = Quickly moving your mouse to aim at the enemy. (I recommend watching bugzy, kamivs, or z1unknown for flick shots, mutu is too crazy for most players)