I heard you wanna spam lots of pyre strikes.

by Anonymous
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Kindle Soul heals up to 25% additional Health based on your ally's missing health and has 300% increased range.
Kindle Soul
A successful Pyre Strike hit reduces the cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 1-5s
Pyre Strike
Stoke the Fire
Successful Wings of Wrath attacks reduce the cooldown of Pyre Strike by 0.6-3s
Wings of Wrath
Pyre Walker
Reduce the Cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 0.6-3s.
Wings of Wrath
Solar Flare
Increase the Radius of Pyre Strike by 10-50%
Pyre Strike
Inner Fire
Healing an ally with Kindle Soul restores 1-5 ammo.
Kindle Soul


Escentially, this deck is for more agresive furia mains, both lvl5 cards work so pyre strike and wings of wrsth can reduce each other's cooldown as long as you hit a target.

Wings of wrath makes it better since the 3s cooldown goes for each of the 3 fireballs so its a total of 9s cooldown reduction as long as you hit them and immediately use pyre strike wich also supports wings of wrath in a cycle of spaming skills as long as you manage to land them.

Pyre walker is a plus in case wings of wrath doesnt conect all the fireballs (3 to 6s reduce), solar flare so you can have a slighty bigger radius of pyre strike and the last card can pretty much be whatever you want it.

Cherish is a good choice to keep track of teamates or also you can use solar blessing if you feel more of a support role.