Pistolero (good anti-tank and anti-flank)

by Anonymous
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Crack Shot
Your Side Arm deals 20% more damage to targets that you have hit with your Talon Rifle within the last 4s.
Cooled Mags
Every 1.5s your inactive Weapon generates 2-10 Ammo.
Quick Switch
Escape Plan
Entering stealth below 65% health heals you for 100-500 health.
Reduce the time to swap to your Side Arm by 20-100%
Quick Switch
Reduce the movement speed penalty of Scope by 20-100%
Infused Crystals
Increase the ammo count of both of your weapons by 2-10.


Good against tanks for quick DPS or against some flanks without shields.
Use the pistol as a main weapon in close combat. Going invisible when you are low life should give you what you need in health to survive and give you a fire window to aim a last shot with the sniper to finish them if your pistol is empty.

Do not hesitate to use the flare for detecting flanks or against champions like skye or shalin. You should not even need illumination if you use it well.

For the items, I usualy go for caut 2 then agi 1 (agi 1 is really important to compet with the flanks. No need to get more, aiming with the rifle will be more difficult with agi 2 or 3. If you play agains't a buck or another high regen char, caut 3 before agi 1 would be a better option). After that you are free to complement with what you need (caut 3 ,defensive item or kill to heal as regen).