Furia heal from gm furia otp

by ƒuriaGodess
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Kindle Soul Heals up to 15% additional Health based on your ally's missing Health and its range is increased by 300%.
Kindle Soul
Incandescent Being
Increase your maximum Health by 50-250.
Burning Oath
Heal for 105-525 over 3s after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.
Kindle Soul
Light of Dawn
Apply a 35-175-Health Shield for 2s to allies affected by Kindle Soul.
Kindle Soul
Inner Fire
Generate 1-5 Ammo after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.
Kindle Soul
Decrease the rate of Wrath decay by 10-50%.


This laodout allow you to play closer to ennemy line of sight, bringing more damage overall to your team and applying caut with the s5, the shield card is important because in late game with caut 3 you'll heal for a bit more than 100, the shield lvl 3 makes u able to double that amount. The ammo card is important for damage reason, while playing furia you should always auto attack, even if you do 40 damage, that 40 damage is what your team will not have to do to them, harassing them with pock and making a huge difference.
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